
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's on Your Nightstand

I missed September's Nightstand, so i'm jumping back in for October. From my last post in August I Shepherding a Child's Heart, The Christian Mom's Idea Book, The Time Traveler's Wife on CD, it was a very good book, but there is no way i could have stuck with it, chasing after the boys. In September I finished up Strong Women Soft Hearts and tried to read Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels, but only was able to get partway into it before it had to go back to the library. I also listened to Strawberry Shortcake Murder on CD. All were really great books.   Shepherding a Child's Heart has a lot of notes and underlining in it, i will be going back to it over and over again. Strong Women Soft Hearts was also a great book with lots of underlining that i will be going back to time and time again.
So on my nightstand for this coming month are the following.

Bringing Up Boys - James Dobson - I've read a few more chapters in this one. I don't know how long it will take me to get through it, I'm doing a lot of underlining and making notes.
Dear John - Nicholas Sparks
Nights in Rodanthe - Nicholas Sparks - I would really like to see both of these movies and i always love to read the books before seeing the movies. 
Where Do I Go? - Neta Jackson
Who Do I Talk To? - Neta Jackson - I loved the Yada Yada Prayer Group series. Hope these are just as good.
The Physik Book of Deliverance Dane - Katherine Howe - Picked this one up on a whim, not even sure what its really about or if its any good. But we'll see.

I went to the library to pick up Dear John and as you can see from my list it was a big mistake, once i'm there i just can't help piling up the books. Most of them aren't even on my Fall Into Reading List, oops. Head on over to 5 Minutes for Books and see what others have on their nightstands for this month.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This week in Courtney's Fall Challenge she's asking us to focus on peaceful words and maintaining peaceful relationships. The challenge is to play soft music in your home and avoid anger, tattling, criticism, back-talk, etc.

A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

 Head over to Women Living Well if you would like to join in on the challenge.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Making Your Home a Haven Fall Challenge

I came across Courtney's Fall Challenge today and thought it sounded like a great fit for what i've been feeling lately. So i'm going to go ahead and join in. Reading through her post was definitley enlightening for me. She listed out characteristics of two different homes. Home number one, which is our home. This doesn't show me in a very good light, but i'm being honest and i know i need to work on some of this. I am distant at times, i love to bury myself in my books or tv or sometimes its not even stuff i really enjoy that i distance myself with, housework, laundry, cooking, preparing for something else coming up. I'm distracted, i always feel like there is too much to do, not enough time and we are always late and rushing around to get out of the house. Crabby, um yeah, guilty. Discontent, i've been working on this a lot lately, trying to make myself think of things in a different light, but i still have a ways to go. Doesn't pray, guilty again, i try sometimes but i don't think i do it enough and sometimes i wait too long.
What i'm going to be striving for so that our home is a haven.
1. Be engaged - aware of what's going on, be there if someone needs praise, correction, encouragement, love.
2. Better time management - not cram so much into a day, making sure we are better prepared for the day/week/month. (Guess this means i should get through that mountain of ironing i have, and put away all those clean clothes.)
3. Having a pleasant demeanor - getting enough rest, being patient with my season of life. Work diligently, trusting God with the results of my labor.
4. Content - nothing is perfect, be content and thankful for what God has given me today.
5. Pray - depend completely upon God to provide all that i need to fulfill all my roles. Mother, wife, friend, employee.

The first part of the challenge was to buy a big candle light it everyday and say a prayer for a peaceful home whenever the flickering light catches your eye. So today i lit a candle at my desk and said repeated prayers for peace in my home. Head over to Women Living Well if you would like to join in on the challenge.

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.  Proverbs 14:1